Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Battle Begins

     Part of what I provide clients is an all-organic lawn service for those with small children or pets -- or who just hate the idea of filling their yards with chemicals. More about this down the road. For now it is enough to know that the only organic weed killer is pre-emergent. It does not kill established weeds. It only kills weed seeds when they germinate. Therefore timing is important. Spread too early or too late, the stuff is considerably less effective. One indicator that the time is right is the sight of crocus in bloom.

     What struck me a few days ago, after all my rantings about global warming, is that spring might actually come early this year. If bulbs are popping up, other plants are stirring as well, including weeds. It never occurred to me that I would actually have to start work in February. The weed killer is corn gluten, and I had used up every bag I had last fall. Last year's supplier had since gone belly up, and I had not been in touch with most of my clients since December.

     Pretending not to panic, I lurched to the phone on Thursday morning. I found a supplier, who told me I had exactly 3 minutes to make an order if I wanted to make the next shipment. I was able to pick up the shipment the following day and notify my clients the day after that. This morning I found the first crocus bloom in my yard.

     Who says there is no suspense in landscaping?


  1. I didn't know about corn gluten. Thank you, Scott!

    1. Hi -- I don't think I have your email. When you have time, why don't you catch me up a bit on what you are doing?
      I have used the winter to try to figure out this blog thing, and hopefully will have more to say as the season gets going - assuming I can find time!. S.
